Business and Legal Forms for Illustratorsbook
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Descriptions Business and Legal Forms for Illustrators Free Ebook

The fourth edition of this popular guide contains twenty-nine of the most essential business and legal forms to meet the everyday needs of today’s illustrators. Updated throughout, new forms include a promissory note, releases, and an agreement to arbitrate. Each form is accompanied by step-by-step instructions, advice on standard contractual provisions, and unique negotiation checklists for making the best deal. Included are:
Estimate • Confirmation of Assignment • Invoice • Illust .

Download your Business and Legal Forms for Illustrators book in PDF or ePUB format. You can read these on Mac or PC desktop computer, plus many other supperted devices. The free download for Windows or Mac OS take less than a minute to install over a broadband connection.

Estimate • Confirmation of Assignment • Invoice • Illust .